Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hair Cut

The last time I got my haircut, I waited 6 months in between appointments. I don't know if I had a good reason for that. In fact, I'm sure I didn't. So, after my last appointment I made another appointment that day for 2 months out.

That was too soon. At my appointment this morning my hair stylist said "Hmmm. Your hair looks pretty good." Doh.

So, I think that this is sort of analogous to how I operate my life in general. Either I let things get completely out of control to an uncomfortable stage, or I'm obsessively monitoring and tracking and tweaking. Basically, I'm not a 3 months person. Had I made my appointment at 3 months--not 6 and not 2--it would have been perfect. But I tend to loose sight of 3 months.

And although this may seem like an irrelevant post for a running blog, I think it's a fitting description for my running habits as well. Either I'm on top of it--possibly running a bit too much or too hard--or I'm slacking and eating Klondike bars causing my skinny jeans to break up with my ass once again.

Anyway, here is my fab new and not-quite-needed haircut. :)


  1. I went uncomfortably long this last time as well. Then I realized I've finally reached that point where I'm liberated from having to go at all. The nice thing about a thinning/receding hairline is all I need to do now is pull out the clippers with the 1" fence guard and mow. Looks clean, doesn't require an appointment & extra trip and costs nothing!

  2. I like the cut. i do the every three month thing also
